Expanded ACT for Psychedelic-assisted Therapy: Integrating trauma-focused ‘parts’ work with systemic change

Original price was: £1,800.00.Current price is: £1,600.00.

  • Early bird discount of £200 if fully paid by July 31st
  • Pay only £1,600 before July 31st, early bird discount included
  • After July 31st, the price will revert to the original amount of £1,800

This training transformed my clinical practice. As a clinical psychologist who uses ACT in her everyday practice, this training provided me with further invaluable practical tools I now use in therapy to further the efficacy of my work.

Dr Daksha Hirani (DClinPsy, AFBPsS), Clinical Director

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has been one of the most impactful trainings I've ever attended, both personally and professionally, due to the deep experiential practices, the close and sustaining relationships forged, and the exquisite location. All combined to bring my clinical practice and collegial network to the next level. So grateful!

Susan Chapel (LMHC, MSEd, MA), Counselor

For anyone interested in expanding their reach in psychological therapy this is the course! Henry has successfully integrated three therapeutic modalities - TIR, IFS and ACT to provide an overarching framework to work with clients requiring deep integrative work. Given the increased awareness and emotional sensitivity following a medicated session or experience with any of the currently available substances, from Ketamine, MDMA and Psilocybin, having a robust and structured therapeutic approach to psychological therapy can be a transformative experience for clients. Providing an effective psychological therapeutic intervention following a psychedelic experience can be successfully negotiated and enhanced from undertaking this training.

Dr Katy Baboulene  Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS)

I've gained so much. Practical skills, a deeper understanding and knowledge, but most unexpectedly I have gained life long friendships. This training has had and still is having wonderfully profound ripple effects in my life both personally and professionally. This is a must for anyone working in the space or considering it! Words don't do it justice.

Lauretta Cundy MSc, (Hon) Psych, MBPsS. Coaching psychologist and Doctoral Researcher

2024 Dates:

  • Online: 12-13th Sept
  • Catalonia, Spain: 22-27th Sept

Places limited to 16 (Book early to avoid disappointment)


  • At a retreat centre with sea view an hour north of Barcelona, near Can Domenec (5 days and nights). 2 days preparatory training online. 1pm-9pm GMT


£1800 (inclusive of accommodation and meals)

  • Early bird discount of £200 if fully paid by July 31st
  • Two low-income places of £1200 are available.



Lead by Henry Whitfield

with support from colleagues

Dr. Robert Krause


Dr. Larry Leeman


Join the community of other psychedelic therapists learning and working together through regular peer supervision

A two + five day training experience to learn a new integral model of psychedelic-assisted therapy on the Catalonian coast

View of the sea from the grounds of the retreat/training venue in Catalonia, Spain

In a stunning retreat haven, we offer training and experience of a new ACT-informed, integral model for deepening and extending the possibilities of psychedelic therapy.

This training offers an integrated approach of ACT processes, ‘parts work’ (IFS), shame work (FAP) and a titrated exposure for trauma (Traumatic Incident Reduction-TIR). The processes behind two or more of these approaches can often be integrated into a single instruction for the participant at any stage of psychedelic-assisted therapy. These interventions are tailored to a wide range of psychedelic therapy challenges to enable a trauma-focussed ACT-consistent approach to systemic change, as described in the recent Spectrum of Selves paper (see https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.727572/full).

This new integrated approach is informed with high-density data collected from over 50 participants for a study designed to reduce relapse and deepen gains in psychedelic-assisted therapy (publications forthcoming). This training highlights what we know has been helpful in producing stable psychedelic therapy gains (post 6-12 months). It integrates ‘parts’ work from three approaches that use ‘parts’: IFS, ACT and Traumatic Incident Reduction) using Contextual Behavioural Science as a core theoretical modal. This enables a versatile, multi-modal framework, including a broad pallet of six degrees of directive/non-directiveness. Using such a pallet context-sensitively enables a solution to the directive/non-directive debate in psychedelic therapy and beyond.


TIR is a precise imaginal exposure methodology with supporting repetitive focusing protocols that can be adapted to amplify all ACT processes such as: awareness of the cues and motivations for any behaviour, directing presence/undivided awareness to any inner experience, intensifying client-led willingness to face challenging feelings, defusion/disentangling from any unhelpful habitual thinking, awareness of the function of any self-story or role.

ACT brings the overarching framework of evolutionary and behavioural science principles, as well as a shortcut to accessing hidden fears. Within this framework, TIR and IFS offer additional ‘vehicles’ for implementing Contextual Behavioural Science principles thoroughly and compassionately.


You will learn multiple interventions that align precisely with the Spectrum of Selves approach, adapted throughout the three phases of Psychedelic-assisted therapy.


Days 1-2 (online Sept 12-13th*, 1 pm – 9 pm GMT): Engineering a new psychedelic therapy of the future with an interoperable tool set. TIR for re-accessing and processing psychedelic experiences and related traumatic memories.

Invitation to exchange sessions with peers before arriving in Spain.

In Catalonia, Spain (22-27th Sept) Arrive 6 pm for dinner on 22nd, leave by 6pm on 27th. All meals and accommodation included.

Days 3-4: ACT and the Spectrum of Selves – from shame to the ‘reverse compass’ for accessing our deeper fears, exploring the voices and behaviours of our different parts. Understanding the ACT core processes from a ‘parts’ point of view. For a taster of this see this invited speaker conference presentation: https://youtu.be/7PjiTJhTJjc

Day 5: Inner work aligned with outer systemic behaviour change. Getting ready to bring the barriers into the work.

Days 6-7: Practicum of ACT expanded with trauma and parts work through the three phases of psychedelic therapy. Your chance to practice with feedback the protocols and principles that you personally need the most feedback on.

Monthly supervision included for 3months

Internship programme and mentoring also available.

The curriculum includes:

  • A 150 page bound manual to support you during and after the training.
  • A checklist for tailoring your personal training needs.
  • A process-focussed approach to treatment planning, aimed at addressing key nodes in a person’s network of interacting symptoms. How might centrality and accessibility of a network symptom offer a way forward?
  • ‘Multiple-function’ interventions that apply multiple models in a single action.
  • Two thirds of a certificated training in TIR, a structured approach to Trauma/PTSD comparable to EMDR in its thoroughness, yet more precise and consistent with mindfulness and ACT. If you wish to become qualified with the full certificate in TIR, this can be done with one additional day training (available online on request).
  • ACT-informed Parts work to address inner conflict between your different selves.
  • A protocol for differentiating between healthy and unhealthy self-story/narcissism.
  • A protocol for processing intense psychedelic experiences and re-accessing perspectives and insights from the trip.
  • Expanding and reinforcing new behavioural repertoires that flow from newly gained perspectives – seamlessly interconnecting the three phases of psychedelic therapy.
  • Overcoming complex/long-term trauma (often more accessible post psychedelic).
  • Working Somato-cognitively – reawakening feeling in the body
  • Mapping and reinforcing systemic change.
  • Predictors of long-lasting benefits in psychedelic therapy and how to implement them.
  • ‘Inner healing intelligence’ versus varying degrees of person-centredness/ active-directiveness (and when to do which)
  • Parts work for malevolent and benevolent parts/entities
  • A defusion protocol for when the mind gets in the way during a dosing session.
  • Shame work as a shortcut to our deeper self-concept issues (informed with Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP))
  • Perspective switching exercise for transcending the polarities of the mind
  • Behaviour change coaching for increasing alignment in a person’s life.

About the facilitators

Henry J. Whitfield

Henry J. Whitfield

MSc (CBT), ACBS peer-reviewed ACT trainer, MBACP, Advanced Traumatic Incident Reduction Trainer,

Henry Whitfield is an Association of Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS) Peer-reviewed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy trainer, an Accredited Advanced TIR (PTSD therapy) Trainer and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist (MSc – CBT). For over seven years Henry ran and supervised brief therapy for PTSD projects for Victim Support and Mind in London gun crime hot spots, using CBT and TIR. Henry has also trained over 1500 psychological therapists since 2003, supervising mental health professionals for ACT and Trauma work in the NHS. He is also a passionate integral thinker, publishing journal articles and book chapters on the integration of therapeutic models including, REBT-mindfulness, ACT-TIR-CBT, Person-centred-TIR. His psychedelic plant medicine path has changed how he does psychotherapy especially with self-concept issues. He has written, co-written and edited training manuals for ACT, TIR and FAP (relational psychodynamic). As a visiting research fellow at Regents University London, he focuses his research on the development of ACT-consistent models for psychedelic-assisted therapy, collecting high-density longitudinal data during psychedelic processes of change. He is also author of a new model of psychological flexibility A Spectrum of Selves, tailored to a psychedelic therapy context, published 2021 in Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Dr Robert Krause

Dr Robert Krause

Robert Krause, DNP APRN-BC is a doctor of nursing practice and is a clinical specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing. He is currently Visiting Faculty at The Graduate Institute where he is teaching a course in Mind-Body Medicine. For twenty years Robert was a Lecturer in Psychiatry at Yale University in the schools of Nursing and Medicine. 

He has lectured in philosophy at Quinnipiac University and at Western Connecticut State University. Robert has certifications in Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery from Harvard University, in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies and Research from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and in Sex therapy also from the CIIS. He was a faculty advisor to the Yale Psychedelic Research Group and is currently the lead therapist and co-author of the treatment manual for the Psilocybin – Induced Neuroplasticity in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder at the Yale School of Medicine. He is also a co-author of the recently published ‘Psilocybin-assisted therapy of major depressive disorder using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a therapeutic frame’ Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 (2020): 12-19′

Robert’s daily practices include yoga, meditation and tantra. He completed yoga instructor training with Aum Pradesh Guar in Goa, India and was certified in tantra instruction through the Urban Tantra Professional Training Program. He has been practicing zazen meditation for 30 years.

Currently Robert maintains a private integrative psychotherapy practice in New Haven, Connecticut.

Dr. Larry Leeman

Dr. Larry Leeman

Larry Leeman MD MPH is a Professor in Family and Community Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and board certified in Addiction Medicine. He graduated from the California Institute of Integral Studies Program in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and Research in 2021, has been certified in MDMA Assisted Therapy by MAPS and has trained in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with PRATI and Polaris.
During a research sabbatical at the University of Wisconsin he participated in research with MDMA and Psilocybin. His current research focus in psychedelic assisted therapies at the University of New Mexico focuses on trauma and addiction, group psychedelic assisted therapy, and the use of MDMA for postpartum women with PTSD and opioid use disorder. He is currently completing his second year of training in Hakomi, a form of mindfulness certified Somatic psychotherapy and is in the Grof Holotropic Breathwork practitioner training program.