Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Extended Programme

Including assessment of your learning through regular supervision and monitoring

Why FAP and RFT are important complements to ACT Training

The purpose of this training programme is to provide a thorough and more in-depth training programme in ACT and other contextual behavioural approaches. The training incorporates regular feedback. Such measurement and feedback is there to focus and deepen the process of learning and skill acquisition. This training programme incorporates ACT, FAP and RFT modules. As the ACT model evolves, its training and practice continues to be influenced by RFT. We therefore feel it’s important to include an RFT module. Advanced ACT practitioners also tend to have FAP training under their belts as this deepens the ACT therapist’s ability to apply a deeper functional analysis to the therapeutic relationship. These 12 days of training can be taken without opting for the supervision programme (delivered in fortnightly supervision meetings), leading to a certificate of attendance of our professional programme in ACT and Contextual Behaviour Therapy.

Those completing the supervision and assessment parts of the training will receive a statement of training outcomes documenting what you achieved in ACT competency rating, knowledge tests, as well as how much supervision they received.

The supervision and assessment process

Our training process is designed to cover the ‘head’, ‘heart’ and ‘hands’ of ACT. We will therefore assess your practice of ACT from the perspectives of knowledge, personal experience and skills.

Course requirements*:

  • 90mins fortnightly supervision for 12 months (75% minimum attendance required). Participants present at least one recording per month.
  • To present over the course of the training, 240mins of rated audio excerpts (each 20mins in length), including beginning, middle and ending phases of your ACT practice, with at least 4 clients.
  • Final assessment consists of
    1. Showcasing your latest ACT work in three 20min audio recordings of beginning, middle and ends phases respectively
    2. Answering short essay questions in a written exam
    3. Submitting a 2000 word journal containing insights along the path of applying ACT to yourself, as well as pivotal moments in your development as a practitioner.
  • Supervision to start after Intermediate level of ACT is completed.

Completing the training modules without the supervision and assessment process leads to certificates of attendance for each training module completed, and a certificate to summarise all the modules completed on our training programme.

*These ‘requirements’ are not a locked in system for certifying a particular standard. They are minimums to ensure the course runs smoothly and productively. No fixed standards of ACT practice currently exist in the ACBS community. ACT and Contextual Behavioural Science are evolving disciplines subject to peer-review.

This programme does not certify, accredit or approve ACT therapists (following the non-hierarchical ethos of the ACBS community). However, it will provide you with a Training Outcomes certificate stating what you did and the ratings you achieved in your ACT skills development

ACT: Two-day Introductory Level Skills Intensive

with Martin Wilks
2024 Dates: (Thurs-Fri):

ACT: Four-day Intermediate Level Skills Intensive

Lead by: David Gillanders
Co-hosted by: Henry Whitfield
2024 Dates (Thurs-Fri):

ACT: Extended Supervision Programme

with Martin Wilks & Henry Whitfield
2024 Dates (Thurs-Fri):