In-depth longitudinal training in
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapies

Our ACT training is approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Smaller groups, personal feedback

Quality skills training requires smaller group sizes. Ours average at about 16 people which means you can ask more questions than in larger trainings, and have your practice observed directly by a trainer for personal feedback.

ACBS Peer-Reviewed Trainers

All our ACT trainers have been through the quality control procedure offered by the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science, the body that created Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Retain habits

People acquire new skills by actively applying new skills. We specialize in training that supports and extends active practice during the training session and beyond. After each two day session you should expect to leave with the confidence to practice multiple new skills.

The opportunity to practice Mindfulness and learn about Acceptance & Commitment Therapy at the weekend was wonderful, and the very detailed handouts made for excellent reading. This year long course is competitively priced and I think offers great value for money. I fully recommend it!

Dr Helen Idusohan, Senior Clinical Psychologist in the NHS

Your ACT training courses have been brilliant, so thank you. Acceptance and Commitment Training is now playing a big role in our career direction work and has provided a focus for dealing with the negative thoughts and emotions which inevitably come with change. What makes ACT particularly effective with careers work is its versatility and focus on values identification.

Rob Archer, Director, Bloom Psychology

The ACT intro course was fantastic and a real eye opener to the limitation of CBT. I think that further learning in this area will help me to adapt the help and support that I provide for people with chronic insomnia.

Dr. Guy Meadows PhD, London Insomnia Clinic

Mindfulness Training Ltd. provided a comprehensive introductory programme on (ACT) and the support I have received since has been exemplary. I have found (ACT) to be a very useful and flexible intervention to introduce into my practice.

David Carson M.A., Optimistica Ltd

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Programme

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behaviour change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility.

ACT: Two-day Introductory Level Skills Intensive

with Martin Wilks
2024 Dates: (Thurs-Fri):

ACT: Four-day Intermediate Level Skills Intensive

Lead by: David Gillanders
Co-hosted by: Henry Whitfield
2024 Dates (Thurs-Fri):

ACT: Extended Supervision Programme

with Martin Wilks & Henry Whitfield
2024 Dates (Thurs-Fri):

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Extended Programme

The purpose of this training programme is to provide a thorough and more in-depth training programme in ACT and other contextual behavioural approaches. The training incorporates regular feedback. Such measurement and feedback is there to focus and deepen the process of learning and skill acquisition. This training programme incorporates ACT, FAP and RFT modules.